In which a fire is fought with varying degrees of success, shade is thrown with abandon, body shaming occurs, repairs are made, a sorrowful farewell is ruined by a heartless comment, and a long-absent foe returns.
In which a hoard is partially reduced, an exile is discussed, some eavesdropping is less successful than hoped, and betrayal and loyalty are horns on the same goat
In which, due to an unforeseen incident, an unavoidable delay is encountered.
In which the undead approach in a leisurely manner, an old ally proves to be more of an enemy, several transformations occur, the relative flight speeds of birds are discussed, and magic reflects the inner nature of the casters
In which our heroes fight among themselves, a snake embryo is found to be a pick-me-up, some truths are said that cannot be taken back, loyalty is questioned, and some unwelcome guests arrive.